Re: Reitzenstein Poimandres 1904 -- a protest

From: Steven Cox (
Date: Sun Jul 19 1998 - 00:30:16 EDT

Since I asked the question that caused this little embarrassment
perhaps I should say that I am very grateful for the responses of
both highly respected list members.

I also raised my eyebrows when reading Daniel's "obstinately" but
my imperfect understanding of Spanish leads me to be believe that
OBSTINARSE EN, or OBSTINADAMENTE, has a more puckish and friendly
tone (at least in Marquez and Allende) than comes across in English.

So if my Spanish was better Daniel could have avoided replying
to me in English and the milk would have been unspilt. I will
try to avoid asking such obscure questions in future.

A pleasant Sunday to all

PS - As I have no way of getting hold of the offending tome by
Reitzenstein in China, can someone recommend a library in LA or
Richmond VA (visiting after next week) which might hold such a

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