Re: Fwd: Taped NT

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 12:26:51 EDT

At 08:16 AM 7/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Jonathan Robie wrote:
>> Since SunSITE has a RealAudio server, if someone recorded the Greek New
>> Testament, we could serve it up from here.
>> I might consider recording a short book myself as part of Little Greel 101,
>> but the entire GNT is much too much time for me.

That might be a worthwhile project. But, what pronunciation scheme would it
follow? Erasmian (the pronunication I learned); modern ? I guess it really
wouldn't matter (though it might!).

If there is sufficient interest in such a project, I would be happy to
record some book (there would only need to be 27 volunteers and the project
could be completed in fairly good time).

Maybe Jonathan can make a sign up sheet- and those interested can let him
know what they will record so that work is not duplicated.

Just some thoughts.


Jim West, ThD

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