Re: Re: Taped NT

From: Darrell Jachim-Moore (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 15:03:59 EDT

>The idea of an audio of the NT sounds great. To be honest, though, I'm not
>sure what pronounciation I learned. Perhaps academic? Could someone out
>there give me a short lesson on what the major 'versions' are and some
>sense of the relevant differences? Thanx.
>By the way, I'm a fairly new subscriber to B-Greek and I'd just like to add
>that this is a great site. I especially appreciate how the rules are
>enforced to direct the issues to Greek and not the sometimes sensitive
>issues of religion, theology, etc. Again thanx.
>>Jonathan Robie wrote:
>>> >I am waiting for an Erasmic tape myself.
>>> Since SunSITE has a RealAudio server, if someone recorded the Greek New
>>> Testament, we could serve it up from here. The Audio Bible does something
>>> like this for the King James:
>>What kind of a setup would be needed to accomplish this? Just a
>>microphone attached to the PC? As it happens I also have access to a
>>digital recorder. I think that it would be great to put together a
>>public domain reading of the Greek NT and have it available on the
>>> I might consider recording a short book myself as part of Little Greel
>>> but the entire GNT is much too much time for me.
>>> Edgar Krentz has recorded 1 Peter (I have the tape).
>>I would be willing to help in working on a project like this. If there
>>is sufficient interest we might just start with a single book of the NT
>>and then work at it gradually until we come up with a quality recording
>>of the entire NT in proper Erasmic pronunciation. If people are
>>interested in working on a project like this, then please send me an
>>email and let me know.
>>Rich Lindeman
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