Re: Taped NT

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Thu Jul 16 1998 - 22:40:53 EDT


Feel free to manage the process and keep the list. Someone should also go
to "" to figure out how to record things.

I do have a few "terms and conditions":

1. I will create a place for this on SunSITE, but it will be on an umbrella
site that also includes Little Greek and some things Steve Cox sent me. I
have to think of a name for it...

This site may eventually include other things as well - if people have
stuff they want to post and are looking for a place to post it, let me know.

2. This site will be peer reviewed, which basically means that I'm going to
have two scholars approve anything before it goes up. I am doing the same
for my Little Greek 101 lessons, incidentally.
3. This peer review also applies to any audio recordings. I would suggest
that you not record too much before we start to have scholars review it,
since you may wind up re-recording it.

If we can do it that way, I'd love to provide the web space!

Richard: if you are managing this process, we need to talk about who would
review the tapes. We can do that offline.


Jonathan Robie

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