Re: Greek Engineers

From: Mr. Lemuel G. Abarte (
Date: Thu Aug 06 1998 - 02:28:10 EDT

Oops! I guess I missed what William was trying for me to do.

I am a civil engineer working in Thailand for the last 8 years. Don't ask why I am in my hometown in the Philippines. I think it was the Asian currency crisis that sent me packing home. I am teaching now n my home church from the Greek text.

I had my Master's in the Asian Institute of Technology in 1981 in hydraulics and coastal engineering. That's when I got a UBS hH KAINH DIAQHKH, an inexpensive edition, from a small Christian bookstore in Bangkok. That's how all this mess came to be and that's why I am here. I enjoy it.

My plans? I want to go back to the Golden Triangle to teach (you know what?) - Greek! But I have to build a seminary first to do that! And I don't even have a formal degree in theology! The Mekong River is astride 4 countries: Thailand, Burma, Laos.Cambodia and China. I speak Thai and I like the 200 million people in this part of the world to know the word of God.

Perhaps opening a vocational school would be a good start. Then translate the Greek New Testament into the languages of these indigenous peoples and train Christians to reach their own people.

Of course, an access to the B-Greek Forum is a must for their theological training.

If you may know some who would be more than enthusiastic to help on this, please recommend. I could go back anytime! (Give me a day's notice.) :)



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