Interactive Ancient Mediterranean

From: Mary L B Pendergraft (
Date: Mon Aug 10 1998 - 15:30:10 EDT

I want to bring to your attention the beginning of a wonderful resource for
studying the ancient world:
The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean:

This resource has maps, images, citations from ancient resources, and both
electronic and more traditional bibliographic references for important
areas in the mediterranean world. As part of a program to enhance
undergraduate education at UNC, the planners surveyed those who teach
introductory courses in Classics, Religion, and History, and came up with
an initial group of sites. But this resource is of course useful for a far
wider audience because it's on the web. Their most recent notice said that
they will be adding sites throughout August.

And here's the Greek connection to legitimize this posting: they offer the
declension of the place names.


Mary Pendergraft
Associate Professor of Classical Languages
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem NC 27109-7343
336-758-5331 (NOTE: this is a new number)

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