Boustrophedon writing

From: Dr. Rodney J. Decker (
Date: Thu Aug 27 1998 - 16:28:33 EDT

Does anyone know of a (preferably legible) photo of Greek text written in
boustrophedon style? Either in a published source or on the web? Ideally
I'd like to find one with a transcription and/or translation as well.

I have found the following three items on the web that might be of interest
(none of them have transcriptions or translations):

<> has good B&W photo of a
boustrophedon text with large scale pix as well.

Color photo (but text is unreadable:

And a poor quality scan (? or replica?) that at least has legible text:

I've mentioned boustrophedon writing briefly in class for a number of years
as I discuss the history of the Greek language, but this is the first time
that I've found some actual examples of it. Any suggestions would be
appreciated for other sources, esp. those with more information
accompanying the text.


Rod Decker, Dept./NT
Baptist Bible Seminary

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