RE: Online critical text of the Greek NT?

From: Perry L. Stepp (
Date: Sat Aug 22 1998 - 11:42:31 EDT

> > A book which discusses every variant? Not that I have ever
> seen (or really
> > even can imagine). Such an undertaking would consume multiple volumes.

> At last year's SBL I saw the first few books (on GMattthew, GMark, and
> GLuke) in a projected series in which just what Kyle is looking for is
> being done. For instance, Mark was laid out verse by verse according to
> (I think) NA27 with each of the texts of the major witnesses for that
> verse set out fully beneath it. But I've misplaced the flyer which
> describes the project and notes the publisher and author!!!

The volumes Jeffrey mentions are Reuben Swanson's *New Testament Greek
Manuscripts*, for which the four gospels have been published--Acts is, I
believe, forthcoming. The basic format is: publish the B text for the
entire book, and then, in horizontal-line format, the variant readings for
dozens of major ms and critical editions. This is a really useful series
for tracing textual relationships, etc. But if you're not interested in
that sort of thing, a comparison of the UBS and NA27 apparatuses (apparatii?
I think we once had a thread on how to spell the plural of apparatus) will
be more helpful, I think.

But even Swanson's volumes fall far short of covering *every* variant. The
closest thing I can think of along these lines is the International Greek
New Testament project (which has published the most complete apparatus for
Luke ever attempted). The next nearest thing would be Tischendorf's 8th ed,
something most major theological libraries possess.


Pastor, DeSoto Christian Church, DeSoto TX
Ph.D. Candidate in Religion, Baylor University
#1 Cowboy Fan
Keeper of the Top-10, news://

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                       --George Will, 6 August 1998


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