Re: Hebrew and LXX questions

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Wed Sep 09 1998 - 00:25:13 EDT

>Also, for anyone who knows about Gramcord, will there be an LXX text
>available soon, and if so, how much will it cost?

Gramcord and AcCordance has had the LXX out for some time now. I am amazed
you had any trouble finding it, and I'm amazed how many folks responded
that they know so little about the most superior academic Computer Bible
software available. The web page says this about their copy of the Rahlfs'
LXX, "this release is the first major revision of the CATUS/UPenn MorpLXX
by Dr. Bernard Taylor and Dr. Dale Wheeler." The optional module sells for
$125. The web address is

Joseph A. Weaks
Minister of the Word
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Spearman, TX
"Let unity be our polar star." -GMP KT

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