Re: Eisegesis, Exegesis, Epegesis, etc.

From: Phillip J. Long (
Date: Thu Sep 10 1998 - 13:06:11 EDT

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:18:43 -0700, you wrote:

>I searched the archives and found nothing on eisegesis itself, but
>simply its usage as a pejorative.

Yes, you would probably find it as a pejorative on this list.
Exegesis is drawing out what the text actually says, to quote Gordon
Fee, NT Exegesis, page 27, "Exegesis, therefore, answers the question,
What did the biblical author mean?" and a bit further on in that same
paragraph, "what did the author intend his original readers to

Eisegesis is *reading into* the text what you want it to say. I want
to prove that Jesus is God (or Not God) so I over-interpret a passage
to prove my opinion, I read into the text what I want it ito say.

>I am utterly unschooled in this term, and when Carl used the term
>epexegesis a few days ago, I felt it was time to give my brain a stir.

Epexegetical usually refers to an explaination, I didn't see the
original conxet to see if it was used in another way.

>Does anyone have an objective definition of these terms? Are they
>derived and/or found in the GNT? Are there other '-egesai'?
>[subegesis, hyperegesis, antegesis, prosegesis, etc. come to mind.]

They are not really derived from the GNT, although the English words
are based on Greek, ek = out of, from. eis = into, etc. I supposed
one could come up with all sorts of -egesis's, although the three you
mentioned are the only ones I have heard used.

Phillip J. Long
Asst. Prof. Bible & Greek
Grace Bible College

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