From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Fri Sep 11 1998 - 11:42:21 EDT

Sherrie Sanders wrote:
> Exactly what is SBL?


SBL stands for the Society of Biblical Literature, the nation's oldest
(I believe) acadameic society. It is responsible for publishing the
_Journal of Biblical Literature_ along with many other publications. You
may learn every thing you want to know (and then some!) about this body
at: ---

But in recent messages to B-Greek, SBL also stands for the society's
annual conference, held in conjunction with the American Academy of
Religion (this year in Orlando Floriday on Nov. 21-24), which ends up
being the largest gathering of scholars from any academic field
anywhere. Papers are given and discusssed, old acquantences are renewed,
new aquaintances are made, books are sold, seminars given...and now
B-Greeks will gather there for what appears to be an annual event.

If you aspire to do something in the world of biblical studies, both the
Society and the conference are things which you'll want to join.


Jeffrey Gibson

Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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