Re: Can somebody help a cyber-moron?

From: Mark Goodacre (
Date: Tue Oct 20 1998 - 12:42:25 EDT

On 18 Oct 98 at 22:37, Ed Gorham wrote:

> The cyber-moron in question is me. I want to download a Greek font or fonts
> (probably an SBL font and/or Mounce - other suggestions are welcome). Problem
> is, anywhere I've gone to look for step-by-step instructions for downloading
> and installing that include how to access and use the font once successfully
> installed, I've been met with computer lingo or "readme" files that assume I
> have a some clue about what I'm doing. Clearly, I don't. If someone would have
> the time and patience to "draw some pictures" for me, I'd very much appreciate
> it. On or off list, as you choose. Thanks! Ed Gorham

I'll do this on-list just in case it is of any use to anyone else. I know that
I was in exactly the same position about 18 months ago and did not know where
to ask. Let me take it in a few steps. I (think I) know from correspondence
that you have Windows 95 and Microsoft Word 97. So do the following:

(1). Go to

(2). Click on SPIONIC_.TTF

(3). This should begin to download itself onto your machine. Your machine
should ask you where you would like to save it. The answer is

(4). Once installed there, you can use the font. Already you will be able to
view web pages that use it. If you want to be sure, have a look at, which is Mark in
Greek (though note that it does not work in Netscape 4.0; you will need either
Explorer or Netscape 3 or Netscape 4.01 or above).

(5). To use it in Word, simply change the font to SPIonic, which should appear
in your list of fonts. If you don't now how to change fonts, ask "Help" in

Does that crack the problem? You can substitute Mounce or another font in the
instructions above. I think that SILGalatia (along with the other SIL fonts)
will install itself into the right place in your system automatically, if I
remember correctly.

Dr Mark Goodacre
 Dept. of Theology Tel: +44 (0)121 414 7512
 University of Birmingham Fax: +44 (0)121 414 6866
 Birmingham B15 2TT
 United Kingdom

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