Re: German Christians

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Sat Oct 24 1998 - 13:38:08 EDT

At 02:08 PM 10/24/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Has anyone ever seen a study done on NT
>Scholarship in Germany between 1930-45 which specifically deals with the
>ideological aspects of Nazism? This is not an idle question, one of my old
>friends is a historian who specializes in this era in German history.
>This question is way off topic so please respond in private.
>Thank you.

The best work has been done by Jack Forstman, "Christian Faith in Dark
Times". Get this book!!!!! When I was in grad school I took a class on the
Church in Nazi Germany- and Jack was writing the book at that time. I
corresponded with him and he was very helpful. If his book doesnt answer
your questions he will himself!



Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology

de mortuis nihil nisi baloni!

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