From: Wieland Willker (willker@chemie.uni-bremen.de)
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 10:49:48 EST

Note on the translation of a Papias quote:


I have read that this can be interpreted also as "hebraic stile, poetical
diction" and that Papias wanted to say that Mt wrote everything in the
"hebraic stile" (which is known from the Septuaginta) in contrast to Mk.
The note on Mt has to be interpreted as an addition to the note on Mk. Maybe
it was meant like:
"Mk wrote as a hermeneut of Peter everything carefully down but not in a
literary composition... Mt in contrast put together the logia in the
hebraic/jewish stile - so everyone put it the way he could."

Is this the solution?

Best wishes

"Critically examine everything. Hold on to the good."
(Paul, First Thessalonians 5.21)

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