Date: Mon Nov 09 1998 - 16:14:46 EST

In a message dated 11/9/98 7:34:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

 I see nothing in the passage that helps me think about whether Jesus shares
 a "Godhead Beingness with the Father"; in fact, I'm not sure what that
 phrase means, but I'm pretty sure that whatever it means, it is not part of
 any question this passage is designed to answer. Same goes for being
 temporally equal.
 Jonathan >>

It is a point of clarification only. Some seem to think that one proposed
solution to that Col 1:15 passage denies a certain essence for Jesus. I am
merely pointing that that is not the case, though a certain view of that
essence, as it related to the Godhead of the Classical Trinitarianism, is not
articulated here or elsewhere. Thus, it cannot be appealed to in an effort to
help us solve the problem.

By "temporally equal" I mean that there is nothing in the text to suggest that
God and Christ are both the same age.

Greg Stafford

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