Re: Word study suggestion

From: Daniel E. Buck (
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 06:53:27 EST

At 14:34 09/11/98 -0500, Randy wrote:

> My new idea (new to me, at least) is that instead of getting my students to
>fill in the blank after the expression "This word MEANS ________," to
>get them to fill in the blank after "This is the word one uses WHEN
>TALKING ABOUT _________."

Your suggestion points the student in a very helpful direction. I have used
a similar concept in asking students to ask "What does this word express,
all possibilities and then in this context?"

The one suggestion I would have for your question is if it would be better
to ask "this is one of the words one may use WHEN TALKING ABOUT _____." The
slight change reflects the "semantic domain" approach of Louw and Nida's
lexical arrangement.

What do you think?

Daniel E. Buck
Assistant Professor, Biblical Studies
Briercrest Bible College
Caronport, SK CANADA

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