Re: PAREKTOS clause

From: Ward Powers (
Date: Sun Nov 29 1998 - 05:42:12 EST

At 23:50 98/11/27 +0000, John M. Tait wrote:
>Dear B-Greekers,
>I have a query about the PAREKTOS clause in Mt 5:32. Before I incite
>another controversy, can I make it clear that it is the syntax of this
>particular clause that I am concerned about.
>It appears to me that, if this clause were read as it stands, the presence
>of the phrase PAREKTOS LOGOU PORNEIAS is a logical consequence of the
>phrase POIEI AUTHN MOICEUQHNAI immediately following. Only Matthew includes
>the latter phrase - emphasising the guilt of the divorcing husband. But
>obviously the husband cannot be guilty of making the wife commit adultery
>if she has already done so - hence the parenthetical "except in a case of
>adultery." The meaning would therefore be "causes her to commit adultery -
>except of course if she has already done so." It would be a matter of simple
>logic, rather than a legal exemption.
>The reason I am asking about this is that I have not come across a
>commentary which brings out the close connection between these two phrases,
>or suggests that the PAREKTOS clause is only in Matthew because the POIEI
>AUTHN MOICEUQHNAI phrase is also only in Matthew.

John, in this connection you may find it of interest to check out the
commentary of Lenski on this passage.

And then to share with us what you think of his approach, in relation to
the questions you ask.



Rev Dr B. Ward Powers Phone (International): 61-2-9799-7501
10 Grosvenor Crescent Phone (Australia): (02) 9799-7501
SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 email:

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