
From: Gary S. Shogren (
Date: Fri Dec 04 1998 - 17:45:50 EST

I'm an alum of Aberdeen University, and Classics was shut down just after I
finished there. The husband of my advisor was one of its profs. It's
closure caused much personal fallout as well as academic.

You may remember that A. Souter, the textual scholar, and Sir William
Ramsay (The Letters to the Seven Churches, St Paul the Traveller and Roman
Citizen) both taught in that department.

My understanding then (for which read "the scuttlebutt at the time") was
that at the time Classics was closed, it was the sole profitable department
in the university (because it drew in overseas students). It was closed
because "we don't want to spend money on that sort of thing" even when it
was both self-supporting and making a profit.

Well...enough interdepartmental gossip. Back to the text...

Gary Shogren
San Jose, Costa Rica

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