Re: "Denglisch"

From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Mon Dec 07 1998 - 03:50:03 EST

>Many may have been bored by the current thread on learning German,
>but it has already been noted that English is taught regularly in the
>schools to almost any student. Now comes a report in this morning New
>York Times about the growing intrusion of English words into everyday
>German, something that once might have been thought unthinkable (back
>when I studied in Munich in 1956-7 it was "Wirtschaftswunder," not
>"economic miracle"). Here's the URL:

Carl, it has long been a characteristic of German (as opposed to French)
that it apprropriates words from other languages. I was amazed back in
1963/94 in Tuebingien to discover tkat the word for "Plumber" was
"Monteur." We paid a "Babysitter" who was a "Teenager" and put ouir car
into a "Parkplatz," while wearing a :no-iron" Hemd rather than one that was

And this was in the old French zone, not Aamerican as was Munich.

Here's to Denglish, which in its inversion talks about a "blitzkrieg," etc.

Edgar Krentz
Acting Dean, Fall Quarter 1998
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
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