Re: Lexicons and calling for advice for new students

From: Mary L B Pendergraft (
Date: Sun Dec 06 1998 - 16:17:08 EST

At 01:57 PM 12/6/98 -0600, Joseph A. Weaks wrote in answer to the question
>>(Do all grammars use LUW?):
>All New Testament grammars use a LUW chart, it seems. Because of its
>regularity and frequency. Having learned Attic Greek first, I miss the old
>PAUW charts. Unfortunately, "I loose" is strange English to use as a
>standard for new students. PAUW is dropped of couse because of the
>scarcity of appearance in the NT.

I learned Greek from Chase & Philips, where the paradigm verb was PAIDEUW.
By the perfect system that gets pretty long!

Mary Pendergraft
Associate Professor of Classical Languages
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem NC 27109-7343
336-758-5331 (NOTE: this is a new number)

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