Re: Translators

From: Kevin L. Barney (
Date: Sat Dec 05 1998 - 21:50:12 EST

This is in response to Don Wilkins's message asking whether we would want
our children to pursue language study (I'm on digest and can't just hit the
reply key). I studied classics in college (Latin major, Greek minor, some
Hebrew and [non-credit] Coptic). I had visions of pursuing a PhD in
classical philology (although I have a particular love for and interest in
religious texts). I might have done so were I single, but I was married,
and when my first child came along I felt that I couldn't justify the risk
in pursuing languages, because the job situation was so poor. So I went to
law school and have been a practicing lawyer for 13 years. I am still at
heart a frustrated academic. (My father was a university professor, but I
think he was a frustrated lawyer; funny how those things go.)

Anyway, as to your question whether I would want my children to pursue the
study of biblical languages, I would be pleased if they did. My oldest
daughter is a senior in high school interested in art, and we are
supporting her in that. My son is only 12 and is mostly interested in cars
right now, but if he wanted to pursue interests in the humanities rather
than business or engineering or one of the "practical" professions, I would
wish him God speed.

Kevin L. Barney
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

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