reason for b-greek (Spurgeon and Luther)

From: Allison Sanders (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 23:03:49 EST

I think my contribution to this thread may be a bit too late in coming,
but I wanted to post these quotes anyway. I got them from a friend, and I
find them very encouraging--and challenging--when I realize how much I
have to learn about the Greek language. I have these permanently
scotch-taped inside the covers of my GNT.

        "Let us be clear on this: we are not likely to retain the Gospel
without the languages. The languages are the scabbards in which
the sword of the Spirit is held. They are the keg in which the drink is
kept. They are the pantry in which this food is stored...
Therefore it is certain that where the languages do not remain, the
        Gospel itself will ultimately perish."
        --Martin Luther

        "In the measure that we love the Gospel, so let us place strong
emphasis on the languages. For it is not without reason that God
wrote the Scriptures in the two languages Hebrew and Greek. That language
                which God did not despise but rather chose above all
others for the final revelation of His Word is the
                language which we also should honor above all others. It
is a sin and shame that we do not learn this language of
our Book, especially since God has now provided us all kinds of things
which both help us with this task and at the same stimulates us
to do this."
        --Martin Luther
        "Men talk of the 'mistakes of scripture.' I thank God that I have
never met with any. Mistakes of translation there may be, for
translators are men. But mistakes of the original word there never can
be, for the God who spoke it is infallible, and so is every word
he speaks, and in that confidence we find delightful rest."
        --Charles Spurgeon

        "There are many who refuse to believe in the verbal inspiration
of the scriptures. But I fail to see how the sense of scripture
can be inspired if the words in which that sense is expressed are not
also inspired. I believe that the very words, in the original
Hebrew and Greek, were revealed from heaven, and
                notwithstanding every objection that can be brought from
any quarter, I have never been able to get away from the firm
belief that, if I give up my Master's words, I give up his thoughts
also." --Charles Spurgeon

I still have a long way to go in my study of biblical languages, but when
I think about what I can glean from a passage based on my 3.5 years of
study, I get excited to imagine what it might be like 15 years from now!
Hopefully the list will still be around then!

Allison Sanders

* * * * *
Graduate of Columbia International University--Class of 1998
BA in Biblical Languages
First Grade Teacher

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