Re: Canticles

Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 15:01:52 EST

Dear Denny,

Others have already given you literal and semi-literal translations of the
"titles" of the Lucan Canticles. These "titles" are of course merely the
first word(s) of the canticle in Latin, much as we refer to the song
"My country tis of thee" or the hymn "It came upon a midnight clear."

But there are more current titles in use among those churches which use
the canticles in their liturgies. They are:

Lk 1:46-55 Magnificat-------------------The Song of Mary
Lk 1:67-79 Benedictus [Dominus Deus]----The Song of Zechariah
Lk 2:28-32 Nunc Dimittis----------------The Song of Simeon

Lk 2:13-14 Gloria In Excelsis----
                        This one is trickier, for although "Gloria in
Excelsis" is applied sometimes to this short song of the angels, the
"Gloria in Excelsis" is usually applied to a much longer expansion of
this text, beginning:
                           Glory to God in the highest,
                           and peace to his people on earth.
                           Lord God, heavenly King,
                           almighty God and Father,

The modern English title is simple: "Glory to God" (!).

Edward Hobbs

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