Re: Commentaries on the Greek text of Galatians

From: Eric Weiss (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 10:10:22 EST

One respondent recommended: Explorations in Exegetical Method: Galatians As
a Test Case by Moises Silva.

I looked at this and didn't like it enough to buy it. My Greek teacher,
whose passion is discourse analysis, was quite disappointed in it, so you
may want to look before you buy.

You may want to check out Hendrikus Boers THE JUSTIFICATION OF THE GENTILES
(I think that's the title - Hendrickson publishers). It's a discourse
analysis approach to Romans and Galatians. You may not agree with his
conclusions or his arguments, but it shows how a text can be analyzed from
a D-A perspective. Boers finds the "theme" in Romans to be, not
"justification by faith," but rather derived from Paul's 11 or so
"hypothetical" or "rhetorical" questions - e.g., "What advantage has the
Jew" (3:1) "Do we then nullify the law through faith" (3:31) "Are we to
continue in sin that grace might increase" (6:1), etc. Boers says the theme
of Romans thus derived can be demonstrated to be: Do Gentiles have to
become Jews to be "saved."

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