Re: Virus

From: Will Wagers (
Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 21:47:50 EST

Carl W. Conrad writes:

>This looks to me like another form of the so-called "Good Times" virus
>hoax. I don't believe that e-mail (that is, unformatted ASCII text) itself
>can be the carrier of a virus, although an attached program certainly can

Eudora has deficiencies that can be exploited by vandals to cause
their own programs to run. So, run the latest Eudora--if you are a
user--from the Eudora web site. I won't describe how, but an
ASCII message can cause the virus to be executed.

Attachments such as MS Word macros can certainly contain viruses.
Other applications may have similar weaknesses.

In these cases, the ASCII is the virus. So, don't open attachments from
anyone you don't know. Where practical, don't open email from,
unknown sources either.

Will Wagers "Reality is the best metaphor."

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