ERCOMENOUS EPI TO BAPTISMA - To Baptism or For Baptism?

From: Williams, Wes (
Date: Tue Dec 29 1998 - 12:27:42 EST

Matt 3:7 says that John saw the Scribes and Pharisees ERCOMENOUS EPI TO
BAPTISMA. I always took the EPI here as locative rather than purposeful.
However, I see that translations are mixed on translating EPI as "to" versus
"for." I can see the argument for purpose in the parallel at Luke 3:7, where
John sees the OXLOI (including Scribes and Pharisees) coming to be baptized
hUPO him. But I wonder if Matthew was trying to convey that the priests
themselves were coming for baptism with EPI.

Is there lexical support or other examples of an EPI of purpose with a verb
of motion?

Wes Williams

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