RE: Off-topic - Arcturus

From: wross (
Date: Sat Jan 02 1999 - 23:40:24 EST

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<P><FONT size=2>I've been deeply fascinated by Astronomy for the past year and
learned a great deal. I was reading &quot;Astronomy Made Simple&quot; by Meir
Degani (Doubleday books) and read this:<BR><BR>&quot;Of the eight clearly
visible stars in Bootes, alpha-Bootes, commonly known as Arcturus, is of
particular interest. A bright reddish star, <STRONG>it is one of the few stars
mentioned in the Bible</STRONG>. In 1933 the light coming from Arcturus -
focused on a photoelectric cell - was used to open the Chicago World's Fair. At
the time it was thought that Arcturus was 40 light years from the earth, and
hence a ray of light would have been on the road since 1893, the year of the
previous World's Fair in Chicago. More recent computations indicate that
Arcturus is only 38 light years away. Arcturus is the fourth brightest star
visible in middle latitudes (app. mag. .2)&nbsp; and is the sixth brightest
start seen anywhere in the sky. <STRONG>It is also one of the fastest moving of
the bright stars. Its speed is estimated to exceed 80 miles a second. Because of
its distance, it will take Arcturus more than eight hundred years to move half a
degree on an arc across the sky. Eight hundred years from now Arcturus will be
closer to the constellation Virgo by half a degree, a distance equal to the
apparent diameter of moon</STRONG>.&quot;<BR><BR>Soooo, I looked it up in my
helps and found Job 9:9 and Job 38:2, which refer to AYISH - which comes from
the root which means &quot;the hurrying one&quot;. I thought that indicated a
profound knowledge of the locations and movements of the stars - from what is
believed to be the oldest book of the Bible.</FONT></P></BODY></HTML>


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