A note on 2 Tim 2.26

From: Perry L. Stepp (plstepp@flash.net)
Date: Wed Jan 06 1999 - 15:06:17 EST

How many different ways can 2 Tim 2.26 be translated, and which is
preferable? I see three possibilities:

1. AUTOU and EKEINOU both refer to the devil. Thus " . . . they may come
to their senses, and escape the trap of the devil who caught them to do his
will." I prefer this understanding.

2. AUTOU refers to the devil, EKEINOU refers to the remote antecedent, God.
Thus: "they, having been trapped by the devil, may come to their senses and
escape his trap, so as to do the will of God.

3. AUTOU *might* refer back to DOULON KURIOU (v. 24). Thus they may come
to their senses and escape the trap of the devil, having been caught (by the
Lords servant) so that they may do the Lords will (see Lk 5.10 for this
use of ZWGREW).


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