Re: Counting letters

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sat Jan 09 1999 - 20:10:14 EST

At 06:54 PM 1/9/99 -0500, Perry L. Stepp wrote:
>Jon Robie wrote:
>>Cool! Incidentally, I can still remember learning the frequency table for
>>English when I was in middle school:
>> e t a o n r i s h d l f c m u g w p w b v k x j q z
>I believe that should be a "y" after "m u g".

Yes, you are right. It's a typo... I remembered it correctly and typed it

>Cryptographers, unite!

Yep, you have me pegged. When I was in middle school I had a librarian who
would make up a new code every few days and hand me a piece of paper with a
message written in that code. For about two years I faithfully cracked each
code. I'll never forget that librarian, and I'll never forget the frequency
tables ;->

Texcel Research

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