Re: Clement of Alexandria

From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 05:51:41 EST

>In Hart's comments on UPOGRAMMON IN 1 Pt.2:21
>(Expositor's Gk. Testament) he refers to Clement of
>Alexandria who gives three examples of a copy-head
>or pattern to be traced over by writing-pupils.
>Hart cites this as one of Clement's examples --
>1. The second word means sphinx. Surely the first
>"word" is not a real Greek word. Is it a combination
>of words (e.g., PLHKTRON)? And/or Is it designed
>merely as a memory aid to help students write their letters?
>2. If the first "word" is manufactured to aid in writing
>the letters, why is the letter upsilon missing? (Or am
>I missing something?)

Is the anser possibly that this is a beginning exercize in writing? I think
that the two "words" contain every letter of the Greek Alphabet. The first
word is a nonsense word.

I will try to look up the other two examples at home this evening.

Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
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