Question on LXX Fouad papyrus 266

From: Steven Cox (scox@Mail.Sparkice.COM.CN)
Date: Sat Feb 06 1999 - 22:54:23 EST

Can anyone help on this?

The Fouad papyrus 266 attracted attention (Waddell JTS Vol45 158-161 1944)
because of its age and use of Tetragrammaton instead of KURIOS.

But in p239 of Jellicoe "Septuagint and Modern Study" 1968 it is commented
that Kahle was "unable to ascertain its wherabouts". Was this lost during
the 1941-44 war in North Africa? Or is it safely preserved?
If it is, how much light has it thrown on pre-Christian Septuagint versions?

Since Jellicoe wrote (1968) have other early fragments come to light or been
redated prior, say, 70CE?
Best regards

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