RE: Mark Ch 1

From: Hultberg, Alan (
Date: Mon Feb 08 1999 - 11:26:25 EST

>> I want to be cautious in stating this, since I haven't made any sort of
>> of the issue beyond being familiar with the Greek Gospels and doing a quick
>> Accordance search.

>I agree with your analysis of the semantic significance of KAI EUQUS but
>I am quizzical about your statistics. I used Accordance 3.0 and put KAI
>+ EUQUS in the construct window as LEXICAL items and I found one hit in
>Matt and two hits in Luke Acts.

>We are doing this a different way obviously.



The Accordance search I performed was KAI + EUQ* Within 1-2 words. I used
EUQ* in order to pick up EUQEWS as well as EUQUS and "within 1-2 words" in
case of intervening words. The tallies I gave you were for that search and
included KAI EUQEWS as well as KAI EUQUS. The statistics you list are correct
for KAI EUQUS. There are extra instances in Mark 6:25; 14:45; John 19:34,
where a verbal intervenes, but otherwise the statistics I gave for Matt, Lk,
and John were for KAI . . . EUQEWS. Mark 7:35 may include EUQEWS, and I
included this possible occurence in my statistics.

Sorry for the confusion!


P.S. Could you please send me a copy of my initial post to you? I didn't keep
a copy. Also, would you mind sending it via the list (I think I sent it to
you directly, and not the list) -- I would like others to respond (hopefully
someone who knows more than I about discourse semantics).

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