Re: TOTE in Matthew

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 08:43:48 EST

<x-rich>At 00:37 12/02/99 -0600, you wrote:

>Hello, friends.


>I am wondering if anyone has worked on the use of 'TOTE' in Matthew.


A starting point is:

</x-rich><x-rich>Gundry, Robert H. Matthew: A Commentary on His Literary
and Theological Art. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983.

It has a useful Greek Index with statistics,

and the entry for TOTE has the following figures:

66,17,7 (90,6,14)

The explanation given at the head of the index is:

"The first figure represents the number of Matthean insertions in
paralleled material, the second the number of occuroccurrences shared with
one or both of the other two synoptics, Mark and Luke. The figures in
parentheses represent, in order, the total numbers ot occurrences in
Matthew, Mark, and Luke. "

Gundry's introduction includes a section on his word-statistics.

Hope this is of help

Maurice A. O'Sullivan
[Bray, Ireland]

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