Re: Greek Bible

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Fri Feb 19 1999 - 12:33:44 EST


Frederick Scrivener was a English biblical scholar. He was born in 18143 and
died in 1891. He as a Cambridge graduate. He is best known for his work of
collating Greek manuscripts. the edition of the Textus Receptus that the
Trnitiarina Bible Society uses today is the Greek text prepared by Scrivenr.
He published three editions of his Plain introduction to the criticism of
the New Testament (1861,1874, 1883) and a fourth edition was published
posthumously by Edward Miller. He was a champion of the Textus Receptus. His
other well-known work is the Cambridge paragraph Bible. . i own his Greek
Testaments, and the 3rd and 4th editions of his Plain Introduction.

At 12:12 AM 2/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
> I bought a Greek bible the other day at a used book store. The book
>appeared to be very old and I was surprised when I discovered its printing
>was in Feburary of 1877 at Cambridge University. Its preface is in Latin and
>naturally its body is in Greek. It was written by a man named F.H.
>Scrivener. Its binding is falling apart and it looks a little tattered but
>non of the pages seam to be missing. Im new to the language and Im not
>familiar with any Greek scholars. I was wondering if any one knew anything
>about the books author?
>Nicholas Wynder
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
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