Re: Morphology Principles

From: Mary L B Pendergraft (
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 14:54:46 EST

At 07:36 PM 2/23/99 +0000, Jonathan Ryder wrote:
>Anyone know of a quick guide to or handy (pocket) summary of principles
>of NT Greek wordbuilding (eg -EW verbs, rules for prefixes etc and all
>those verbs that seem irregular until you know some underlying principle
>that isn't in the basic grammars)?
>Jonathan Ryder

Do you know Bruce Metzger's _Lexical Aids for STudents of New Testament
Greek_? In addition to frequency list, he gives lists of cognate words, of
prepositions used for forming compounds, principal parts. And, at just
100 pages, it's almost pocket-sized.


Mary Pendergraft
Associate Professor of Classical Languages
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem NC 27109-7343
336-758-5331 (NOTE: this is a new number)

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