Re: UBS4 vs NA27 vs UBS3

Date: Sat Feb 20 1999 - 15:21:40 EST

Colleagues, and Steven Cox in China:

The bi-lingual (Greek-Latin) edition Steven likes is indeed attractive;
I own two copies of it myself, one at school and one at home.

But it is not NA27; rather, it is NA26. (I thought as much, and when
I checked the ISBN number, I found that it is indeed NA26.)

Now, if Amazon truly sells it for $22.99, it should be grabbed up,
bought in quantity, with copies placed at every location one might be
caught in without a GNT (like each bathroom). The price is unbelievably

Edward Hobbs

---------Steven Cox wrote---------->>>>>>>>>

Many thanks - nice to see that comparison again - it really ought to be up
on someone's web page.

A personal preference, though it may not appeal to many b-Greekers,: The
NA27 is available in an (alternate) face-to-face printing with the 1979 Nova
Vulgata. Although the critical apparatus for the Latin is not a shadow of
the Greek it does indicate readings from the Clementina, Wordsworth-White
and Stuttgartiensis.

Novum Testamentum Graece Et Latine by K. Aland Our Price: $22.99
Semi-hardback (June 1983) United Bible Societies; ISBN: 3438054019
Available in 4-6 weeks from Amazon

God bless

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