Re: Rienecker/Rogers, Zerwick, Haubeck/v.Siebenthal

From: JŸrg Buchegger (
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 02:34:30 EST

A couple of days ago, there was a discussion about the value of different
books with linguistic keys/grammatical analysis to the New Testament. Old
Rieneckers work (which is originally in german) was revised by Rogers, who
as far as I know was in Germany when he started the revision. I always found
(agreeing with Jonathan) Zerwick the better and more reliable source than
the old Rienecker (I haven't seen the new Rienecker/Rogers). I heard that
while Rogers wanted to revise Rienecker, some of his colleagues thought it
better to work through the whole NT from the ground off and to write a new
book. And that is what they did, so we now have in german:

Haubeck, W. / von Siebenthal, H., Neuer sprachlicher SchlŸssel zum
Griechischen Neuen Testament, Bd1 Mt-Apg, 1997, Bd2 Ršm-Offb. 1994,
Giessen/Basel, TVG Brunnen Verlag

This one is very good methodologically and up to date linguistically. But as
I said, I can not compare it with the new Rienecker/Rogers right now.
You can still find old Rienecker at , but not the above
mentioned!? Go to for that.
Juerg Buchegger

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