Re: mit brennenden Sorge...

From: Theodore H Mann (
Date: Sun Mar 21 1999 - 07:26:26 EST

It is absolutely unnecessary for anyone to withdraw his name from the
list over this issue. This is an unfortunate matter, but we all make
mistakes, and I am certain that everyone on the list recognizes that,
whatever errors were made, were made by people of the highest moral
caliber. Those responsible for maintaining the list are busy people with
responsibilities that extend well beyond B-Greek. Under those
conditions, misjudgments are bound to occur from time to time. I suggest
that no one beat themselves up too much over the issue, and that we move

Theodore "Ted" Mann

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:36:07 -0500 Jim West <jwest@Highland.Net> writes:

>It is with burning sorrow that I offer my withdrawl from the list if
that will ease the situation and restore harmony.
>Best to all,
>Jim West, ThD
>Quartz Hill School of Theology
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