outlook express users...

From: Jim West (jwest@highland.net)
Date: Sat Mar 27 1999 - 16:41:07 EST

The following comes from the ZD Net news page, and concerns a very serious
virus carried by outlook mailers. This is serious. Be warned if you use
Outlook as your mailer. The virus has affected egroups, hotmail and yahoo
as well.


Melissa's sophisticated bite
The Melissa virus propagates via e-mail. Attached to the e-mail is a Word
file that, if opened, launches a macro that replicates a message to the
first 50 names in the recipient's Outlook address book. The subject line
reads: "important message from," followed by a user name. The body consists
of a text message that says, "Here is that document you asked for... don't
show anyone else;-)." The infected documents reportedly contain porn Web
site information.

The virus specifically affects Outlook and does not trigger the multiple
e-mails on other messaging platforms, such as Lotus Notes. However, people
using e-mail software other than Outlook may be able to spread affected
files by sending them to Outlook users, experts said.

McAfee added the virus to its virus database Friday. More information on the
virus is can be found on McAfee's site.

Jim West, ThD
Petros Baptist Church- Pastor
Quartz Hill School of Theology- Adjunct Prof. of Bible

fax- 978-231-5986
email- jwest@highland.net
web page- http://web.infoave.net/~jwest

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