Re: introduction

From: James S. Murray (
Date: Fri Apr 02 1999 - 13:09:57 EST wrote:

> I am happy to have found this list and would like to ask my first question; Can anyone recommend a good text book that can be used for a beginner who intends to be self-taught?


Welcome to b-greek. I can recommend J. W. Wenham's The Elements of New Testament Greek, Cambridge University Press as a good beginning textbook. I, like yourself, have been teaching myself, and I have found this text very helpful. He takes time (space?) to explain some of the finer points of greek grammar using actual NT examples, is well keyed to an english grammar introduction, and has lots of exercises. There is also a summary of the morphology at the end. I wish the exercises had more examples from the NT text itself, but all in all, I've been happy with it. I checked, and this text is available at


James Murray
Racine, WI

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