BibleWorks 4.0 Review

From: Ruben Gomez (
Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 03:45:47 EDT

Hi fellow B-greekers,

Just a short note to let you all know that I have finished my review of the
newly released BibleWorks 4.0. For those who might be interested, the URL is: . Incidentally, the review does
include a short comparison with other Bible software packages for Windows.
This is something that some people have asked about here on B-Greek several
times. It is not meant to be a highly technical review, but I think it
might be of at least some interest to a number of people on the List. It
will certainly give you an overview of what this software can do to help us
in our study/teaching/exegesis of Koine Greek.

I want to thank John Fidel, the webmaster, for his willingness to host the
review on his website. BTW, his site is packed with lots of useful
information on Bible software. It is definitely worth a visit

Feel free to send me any feedback (off-list) if you wish to do so.

Thanks for your consideration,

Ruben Gomez

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