RE: Ephesians

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Apr 14 1999 - 10:09:32 EDT

At 8:33 AM -0500 4/14/99, Bill Ross wrote:
>Conspicuously absent from Mr. Woodruf's list is "Sit, Walk, Stand" by
>Watchman Nee. He doesn't appeal to the Greek much but the tiny book speaks
>As to the Greek, this seems a good time to bring up Eph 2:8
>These are some common renderings:
>For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from
>yourselves, it is the gift of God--
>For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own
>doing, it is the gift of God--
>For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
>the gift of God:
>For ye are saved by grace, through faith; and this not of yourselves; it is
>God's gift:
>for by grace ye are having been saved, through faith, and this not of you --
>of God the gift,
>It seems to me that it ought to read:
> "In grace are you, having been saved through faith"

WHY would you claim that this is preferable? So far as the Greek morphology
and syntax are concerned, I would think: (1) ESTE SESWiSMENOI is the
standard form of the perfect passive, and (2) although CARITI as an
instrumental dative is perfectly intelligible with ESTE SESWiSMENOI,
there's no way I can see to make it construe with a simple ESTE except as a
dative of possession, which would have to imply, I think, that CARITI is a
person, "You belong to someone named 'Grace.'" "You are in (a state of)
grace" is perfectly intelligible English, but I do not think CARITI ESTE is
intelligible Greek.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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