Re: Another biblical software review

From: Moon-Ryul Jung (
Date: Sun Apr 18 1999 - 13:37:28 EDT

Dear B-Greekers,

I am using Bible Windows, the most recent version 5.5. So, the review
mentioned in the following message is not most recent. I sort of remember
that I have read the review of the most recent version, when I visited
the website of the software. If anyone is interested in the
of Bible Windows, I would be happy to share my experience, which is not

Moon-Ryul Jung
Assistant Professor
Dept of Computer Science
Soongsil University,
Seoul, Korea

>On 04/17/99, ""Maurice A. O'Sullivan" <>" wrote:
> List members may like to know that there is a review of Bible Windows 5.1,
> in the Ashland Theological Journal 30 (1998) available at:
> Enjoy!
> Maurice
> Maurice A. O'Sullivan
> [Bray, Ireland]
> " With computers we can now mistinterpret Scripture at speeds never before
> possible"

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