Re: Vulgate Exemplar

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Sun May 02 1999 - 15:14:51 EDT


It is doubtful that the Comma Johannine was in the Vulgate as it was
originally translated by St. Jerome. According to Fr. Raymond Brown in his
commetary on the Epistles of John in the Anchor Bible, " is not clear
that the Comma was included in the text of 1 John when St. Peregrinus edited
the Vulgate in Spain in the fifthe century. After a stage whe the Comma was
written in the margin, it was brought into the Latin text in or before the
time of Isidore of Seville (early seventh century). In the period of the
Spaniard Theodulf (d.821), who served in France as bishop of Orleans, the
Comma was brought from Spain and make its way into some of the copies of Vg
written in the Carolingian era. Nevertheless, in a survey of some 258 MSS.
ot the VG in the National Library of Paris, among those predating the twelf
century, more lacked the Comma than had it. " (page 779)


At 07:45 AM 5/2/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Kevin:
>Perhaps I'm asking the list a dumb question, because I'm receiving no
>responses; so I turn once again to you. Erasmus was criticized for
>leaving out 1 John:8, a passage which is found in the Vulgate. I am
>curious to know what NT manuscript/s stand behind the Vulgate. Why did
>Jerome include the now famous "comma," and what were his sources? Is
>this known? Many thanks.
>Dr. Theodore "Ted" Mann
>Orchard Lake, Michigan

Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary
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