Re: Grammatical errors in Revelation?

From: George Blaisdell (
Date: Sun May 16 1999 - 23:20:14 EDT

<x-flowed>Hi Jim ~

I got done reading your post and wanted to find that rotten writer and just
give him a piece of my mind!!

>From: Jim West
>you wrote:

>If we, for a moment, forget that the book is found in the canon
>of scripture, and grade it simply on its merits as a greek document, we can
>surely agree that it does not measure up very highly as a competent

This is looking pretty bad for the writer of it, huh.

>It is only ideology which keeps us from such an assertion.
>In this case, it is the ideology, spoken or not, that since it is a
>biblical document it must be good.

Well, it IS a little hard to set aside its inclusion in the Bible ~ For me
that minute is close to eternal... :-)

>Whether or not hebraisms or semiticisms are involved has no bearing on the
>fact that the greek is poor.

Sure doesn't seem to 'measure up' hardly at all... Bad Greek.

>This seems to me to be an effort to excuse the
>author for poor work rather than an explanation of it.

The Author's poor work is obviously VERY inexcusable...

>Again, such an effort to explain away really does not explain why someone
>writing Greek writes it so poorly. Perhaps the writer is a semite. Well
>and good. And suppose he is doing his best- again, well and good. But the
>fact remains, attempts to ameliorate notwithstanding, that the greek is


Thinking about this, perhaps the writer had no Greek scribe to write it for
him this time, and perhaps he was very old and feeble ~ Maybe even kinda
simpleminded to begin with ~ Not too quick mentally, if you get my
meaning... [A good man to know...]

Perhaps, perhaps ~

Does it matter that he would flunk a Greek composition class?
SOMEONE didn't seem to think so.... I wanna be in His pile!


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