What is "KURIAKOS"?

From: Allison Sanders (allisanders@mindspring.com)
Date: Fri May 21 1999 - 17:51:44 EDT

Dear B-Greekers,

Recently I had a friend of mine tell me that our English word "church" came
from KURIAKOS. I looked it up in Perschbachers, and he has it translated as
"pertaining to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's". So I suppose that
certainly makes sense, in that the church is the Lord's. But do we use the
word "church" because of KURIAKOS? (He also said "church" is related to the
German word, but I don't remember it.) I'd just never heard this before.

If this isn't B-Greekish enough, just attack me off-list. =)


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