Re: Pocket-sized Greek New Testament

Date: Thu Jun 10 1999 - 04:22:50 EDT

Re Mr. Stirling's question about plastic binding,

I suspect "flexible casebound" does mean the old soft plastic, like
the 3rd edition before correction and its Textual Commentary. The
UBS3 Corrected gives 3 ISBNs on the flypage back, one being for
imitation leather, one for real leather (certainly not mine!), and
one for "with Dictionary," but none as "flexible casebound." On the
other hand, the 1998-1999 printed ABS Catalog offers various GNTs in
either flexible casebound, leather bound, or (in some cases only)
cloth bound. No mention of "imitation leather." The UBS3 isn't all
that "flexible," so I personally wouldn't call it that, but who knows?

The two-volume G-E Lexicon of the NT: Based on Semantic Domains just
says hardcover.
Gee, come to think of it, I don't know whether this post is any help
at all, at that rate! Maybe the ABS should come up with a new term!

Diana N. Shaw

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