FW: Where may I find the roots to all GNT verbs?

From: Joe A. Friberg (JoeFriberg@alumni.utexas.net)
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 10:43:58 EDT

there was some trouble w/ the previous email send

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe A. Friberg [mailto:JoeFriberg@alumni.utexas.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 12:40 AM
To: Mike Sangrey
Cc: B-Greek
Subject: RE: Where may I find the roots to all GNT verbs?


You are looking for:
>The subject says it all, really. I am primarily interested in those roots
>which have life as GNT verbs; however, nouns would be a plus.

In print form, _A New Testament Greek Morpheme Lexicon_ by J. Harold
Greenlee (Zondervan, 1983) may have what you need. It consists of two
parts. Part 1 contains a list of all NT words and identifies the morphemes
of which they are composed. Part 2 then correlates all morphemes with the
words in which they are used.

I am not sure is this is the format you are looking for, but I have found
this volume very helpful.

God Bless!
Joe A. Friberg

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