Re: Teach Yourself...

From: Trevor Jenkins (
Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 14:13:18 EDT

I have a copy of MacNair, which some of you will remember I've enthused
about many times on this list. However, here in England it's known as
"Discovering ..." rather than "Teach yourself...". For whatever reason it
seems that the publishers changed the name for the US edition. Confusion is
bound to arise with that piece of trickery.

Speaking personally I wouldn't buy a real "Teach Yourself...". I've tried
to use several other books in that series without success.

> I picked my ears up when "McNair" was mentioned as the author of this book
> as in my head it was "Hudson".
> Sure enough Amazon lists Ian McNair 1995 but DF Hudson for the same title
> "1993", though actually Hudson dates from 1960 not 1993 and includes
> material (such as a series of pics of a boy in a pith helmet with a lion)
> that must surely date back to the mists of the grammar school era. (most of
> TY's language books are much more up to date - 1980s and 90s)
> And note different publishers - Hudson is Teach Yourself series (i.e. Hodder
> in the UK, NTC in the US) while McNair is published by Nelson. Surprised
> they can do this as "Teach Yourself" is a registered TM of Hodder....
> Cheers
> Steven
> _________________________________________________
> Greek Pseudepigrapha Page
> _________________________________________________
>> Synopsis
>>An understanding of the New Testament's original language
>>pays rich dividends to those who want more out of
>>the Bible. But few laypersons have a spare year or more
>>to learn Greek in a formal academic setting. In this study
>>guide, Macnair uses the same innovative, non-technical methods
>>that successfully jump-start today's "English as a
>>Second Language" learners.
>>So there you have it, complete with a sales pitch that all but assures the
>>prospective purchaser that upon quick completion of this book he will be
>>able to understand the GNT better that the Original Author!!

Regards, Trevor


<>< Re: deemed!

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