From: Stevens, Charles C (
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 14:04:03 EDT

On 22 July 1999 at 10:53AM, Alan Hultberg queries:

<<After following this string, I give up. What is an OCR program?>>

An Optical Character Recognition program. Given a digital image of a text
(for example, from a flatbed or handheld scanner), it "recognizes"
characters in the digitized image and produces a text file corresponding to
the scanned image. I'm not sure whether this recognition is customarily
done as the digital image is being scanned (thus producing two files -- the
digital image and the text representation -- simultaneously) or if the
latter is produced subsequently.

The process works a whole lot better for a "fixed" font (printed or typed)
than it does, for example, from manuscripts (in the strictest sense of the
word). Can save considerable keying.

        -Chuck Stevens

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